Day 15 of The Flawless Body Challenge
Hello Tribe,
I hope this blog post finds you in great health mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. I'll jump right in, I am blogging on this glorious Monday which also happens to be my most favorite day of the week as it always feels like a fresh start.
I had to write to express my utter excitement in the results myself and the tribe are getting only 2 weeks into our Flawless Body Challenge. Collectively over 30 lbs have been lost. That is a big deal. To those of you just joining us it's not too late to grab your friends and get started.
To the great listeners following the Flawless system, loosing toxic weight and gaining a new lease on life my hat goes off to you. It's been such a pleasure to be a part of your transformational healing journey. Waking up to the many pics, testimonials, and feedback over the last few weeks just warms my heart. Keep them coming. Below you will find some fantastic recipes for Flawless Living as we continue to crush our Glow Goals while building our Flawless Bodies.
Flawless Seared Brussels
You will need the following:
2 Cups of shaved (thinly sliced) Brussels Sprouts
2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
2 Tsp of Sea Salt
4tbsp of soy free Vegan Mayo
1/2 Tbsp of Mustard
1tbsp of Lemon Juice
1 Tbsp of water
2 Garlic cloves minced

Heat olive oil in a large skillet, reduce heat to medium, add garlic to the pan, heat for 1-3 minutes. Add the thinly shaved/sliced Brussels to the skillet, cover & let sear for 5 to 7 minutes stirring frequently, remove from heat when Brussels have reached your desired texture, add 1 tsp of sea salt and stir. In a large bowl add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Drizzle the sauce over the cooked Brussels and enjoy. *Use less sea salt based on your taste*
Quick Massaged Kale
You will need the following:
4 Cups of chopped Kale
4 Tbsp of Olive Oil
2 Tsp of Sea Salt
4 Tbsp of soy free coconut aminos or no soy sauce
1/2 Tbsp of Mustard
4 Tbsp of Lemon Juice
1 Half cup of Sun dried tomatoes in olive oil
2 Garlic cloves minced
1/4 Red Onion sliced
1/4 Cup Nutritional Yeast
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl with the exception of the chopped Kale, red onions & tomatoes until thoroughly combined. Toss in the remaining ingredients, massage Kale ensuring all leaves are coated. Chill for 30 minutes and enjoy!

Flawless Summer Punch
You will need the following;
4 Cups of Honey Dew Melon
2 Cucumbers
1 Handful of fresh Mint ( approximately 4-8 leaves)
1 Head of Romaine Lettuce
1/2 Cup of Spinach

Juice all ingredients in a juicer with the exception of the mint leaves. Chill & enjoy!
Flawless Living Tips & Reminders
~Begin each day with a large glass of water with lemon. The daily intake should be half of your body weight in ounces. Hydration is key to proper body function & weight management.

~Grab a journal, sit in a quiet space and write what flows to & through you. Write out your Flawless Body Goals, write out your reason for getting started and most importantly write out your affirmations for where your going in life. This is a great reflective exercise that allows me to clear my thoughts while monitoring my progress.
Affirmation: I love and nourish my body with what it needs, I am the healer. I am capable of beating all food addictions, I love my sacred self.
~Get Active daily. We must move to MOVE. Getting active for a minimum of 30 minutes a day by dancing, exercising, swimming, running or practicing yoga builds a stronger healthier you. My favorite routine is warming up with Khundalini yoga, walking, and then strength training. This keeps me feeling sexy while looking my best. Lets Get Sexy.
~Accountability is MAJOR so grab your girls & guys challenge them to join the #flawlessbodychallenge have them subscribe so they too can stay in the "Glow Know". We are a movement together so the more the merrier.
~Flawless Foods & Flawless Approved proper nutrition are a fun and easy way to keep the toxins away while increasing your energy levels. Here's how you Glow Up!
Follow the tips mentioned above.
Detox daily with life giving foods & natural raw food supplements, find out more below.

~My daily glow to for me & my tribe has been Green Magic.
This is very easy to make as it is the perfect whole food for the body here's the recipe.
You will need the following;
1 tbsp of spirulina powder
8 ounces of organic apple juice & 8 ounces of pure water
The daily suggested serving of chlorophyll & wheat grass.
Mix, Chill & Enjoy!
I also incorporate a Flawless Daily Detox Tea for a daily cleansing & purification of the colon, the upper & lower intestines, the liver, kidneys & lungs this herbal blend is safe and effective at removing toxins from the body.
The key to health is Proper Nutrition. I also love to restore my families health with 1 tbsp a day of Nutraburst, this liquid vitamin goes directly in the blood stream delivering 72 minerals, 10 Vitamins, 22 Phyton nutrients, 19 amino acids, 13 wholefood greens & 12 herbs.
When I need to turn up my energy, increase my alertness & athletic performance naturally, I incorporate NRG for a serious boost especially before hitting the gym. This is also great for weight management as it suppresses the appetite for junk food.
Get your Flawless Approved wellness kit here.
Be sure to tag your tribe along with myself @flawless_By_siojo on insta, @siojo_life_style & the private 27 Days To Flawless group on Facebook.

REMEMBER It is imperative to nourish the body on a cellular level this is a major Key! When you nourish the body on a cellular level, you eliminate waste, sluggish energy & malnutrition from the mix. I make it a point to keep the healthy cocktails flowing throughout my home for my family and myself. I encourage you to do the same.
Healing starts with YOU. Pills have less than 30% absorption rate so let us rethink those am pills and get right with liquid cellular nutrition. This may feel like a lot however take things 1 step at a time, do not hesitate to send an email with any questions or concerns to your coach Rashada Siojo
~Here's a few Flawless Approved Recipes you will love~
Flawless Easy Avocado Cocktail Recipe
Ingredients: 2 Avocados 1/2 pineapple 1 liter of coconut water 1/2 cup of ice
Instructions; Juice pineapple, then add pineapple juice along with remaining ingredients to a blender. Sip and glow Gods & Goddesses
Easy Like Sunday Morning" Blueberry Smoothie
Ingredients: 2 Bananas
2 cups Frozen Blueberries 2 cups Acai-Blueberry Juice 1 cup plain Almond Milk
1 Tbsp. Fresh Lemon Juice
1/3 cup cashews

Puree bananas, blueberries, juice, cashews, almond milk, and lemon juice in a blender.
This smoothie packs a healthy dose of antioxidants and is a good jump start for your brain.
Flawless Orange-Spinach Salad
3 Tbsp. balsami vinegar
1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
2 tsp. minced capers
1 tsp. minced lemon zest
1/4 tsp. each sea salt and black pepper
4 cps packed fresh spinach leaves
2 oranges, peeled and cut crosswise into 1/2 -inch-thick slices
1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted

Whisk together vinegar, oil, capers, zest, salt, and pepper for the vinaigrette.
Arrange spinach, orange slices, and onion in a serving dish. Drizzle salad with vinaigrette; top with almonds.
I hope you've been inspired as we connected in this blog post. Thank yourself for saying YES to your health. Keep up with your inbox for more inspiration during the #flawlessbodychallenge & get those before pictures & goals to us we can monitor your progress while holding you accountable. Lets Do This!
Check back here often there's so much in store for you. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and it adds value to your life. I would love to hear what you thought and how some of these tips may have helped you.

If you are wondering how to get started on the 27 Days To Flawless System?
Get started glowing immediately, email me I would love to hear all about your health and wellness goals and guide you on your journey. I love to connect socially as well, find me on Instagram flawless_by_siojo. Locate the exclusive Facebook group titled "27 Days To Flawless" I would love to connect with you.
Get in the group, Get on the List, Get inspired, Get connected, Join the Tribe, Invite your Friends and Let's Get Glowing.
In closing I just want to remind you to fall madly in love with your self. As you embark on the journey of healthier living. Fall in love with yourself daily in the moist perfect way. It is when you love yourself perfectly you can receive perfect love in all areas of your life.
With Love your Flawless Life Coach & BFFF
Rashada Siojo

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