I am a Sacred Woman
Dear Flawless Tribe,
It's been quite a while since I've made the time to sit and express myself by way of my blog. I am elated to have made the time right here and right now. I promise it'll be worth the wait. I wanted to let you in on what I've been up to these days in case you haven't kept up with me on Facebook or Instagram. Let me first say that I am over the moon excited to be almost through the month of May! Yes, bring it on Summertime fine! There's just something about Spring and Summer that makes me feel, Oh so alive! Can you relate? The sunshine and the smell of fresh flowers all while the birds are chirping.

I've been on a Sacred Woman Journey by furthering my education in holistic health to better serve myself, my family and my Flawless Tribe. It has been an incredible journey and I feel so excited to be able to offer what I have learned and share with those who need it.
What I love about holistic living and practices is the simplicity in using the sacred Mother Earth for all of our needs with the greatest level of love, appreciation and respect. I want to share my experiences in hopes to remind, re-awaken and encourage you to allow your sacred self to be a little freer in your living by adopting holistic practices to increase your current quality of life. Below I'll be sharing a few Flawless Living Rituals that have helped me during my studies, as well as, a few simple beauty recipes just for you. Check them out and be sure to share your feedback.

*Sacred Ritual
This is a daily practice for me, it keeps me grounded and focused. I start and end each day with a sacred ritual of some sort, this is a time designated to me that allows me to simply practice presence, time to think about the things I am grateful for, acknowledge all of my desires/accomplishments of the day while raising my vibration. Baths are my absolute favorite and effective way to center myself.

*Sacred Movement Ritual
An absolute must! I always feels good when I move my body by way of stretching, dancing, walking, gym time etc. It is a daily part of my life. Movement is so important. it releases stagnant energy and keeps the blood pumping.

*Sacred Foods
Making it a point to eat as much live, flawless approved foods from the garden as I can. This keeps me energized, while looking and feeling my absolute best & while some days are better than others I am sure to get a salad in daily. Here is a favorite Flawless recipe of mine.
Flawless Simple Salad Recipe
You will need the following:
2 cups of spinach
1/4 cup of shaved almond
1/3 cup of diced red onions
1/3 cup of mandarins
1/3 cup of cherry tomatoes
I love using simple dressings such as olive oil based balsamic dressing for example. Get creative & keep it healthy.

*Sacred Sisterhood
I realize that this is so important and essential to my well being, its nothing like bonding with my good sister like friends to share and grow through life together. During my trying times & when life gets busy or hectic a quick conversation with my sisterhood circle keeps me grounded knowing that I am loved and supported.Yes to sacred sisterhood for we empower, encourage & uplift one another. I wouldn't know what to do without my sisters.

*Sacred Movement Ritual
An absolute must! Put on your favorite music and get moving. I always feel good when I move my body by way of stretching, dancing, walking, gym time etc. I can quickly elevate my mood It is a daily part of my life. Movement is so important. it releases stagnant energy and keeps the blood pumping. Whenever I am not feeling my absolute best I shift my energy swiftly by raising the vibe with good music & movement.
*Sacred Words
If only we knew just how powerful our words are we'd only speak life, we wouldn't gossip, we'd only uplift & motivate. I committed the last several weeks to honoring sacred words and becoming more aware of my words, the conversations that I have with others, the thoughts I think. I've made it a point to hold myself accountable I will say it has been quite refreshing I encourage you to give it a try.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post. I've missed this sacred space. Expect to hear from me more often. In the meantime be on the lookout for upcoming summer events and so much more Flawless Fun.
Ready to Join the "Flawless Movement" & get your healthy on?
27 Days To Flawless is a 4 phase transformative journey by way of fork. For more details on any Flawless By Siojo offerings contact Rashada Siojo via email or visit www.27daystoflawless.com Let's Glow!
With Love and Gratitude,
Rashada Siojo
*Beauty, Health & Wellness Expert
*Holistic Living Guiding Goddess
*CEO of Flawless By Siojo a Lifestyle Company
*Creator of *27 Days To Flawless
*Flawless Living Programs