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Earn Thy Foods

It all started on July 5th 2018, I began another cycle of 27 Days To Flawless.

It was the repetitive cycles that not only held my coaching clients accountable but also myself. What fun it was as an accountability partner and coach for the many beautiful women I have the honor of connecting with virtually from all over the world. I also had my own reasons as to why I decided to continue on my live food cleanse. The main reason was for my own personal evolution. It was a daring act to go on completely raw foods in the middle of the summer, when party, social occasions & vacation season is at an all time high. I had the courage (surprisingly) to put my fork down. I figured I would be in a divine position to continue and complete deadlines for my company & its growth as well as staying in alignment with the Flawless Tribe.

As I approached the sacred 3rd Phase of fasting, a shift took place within me.

Not only was I vibrating at an extremely high level, I was attracting so many life changing experiences & divine opportunities into my life experience. I had more energy, I began to loose excess weight, I laughed a lot more, I became aware like never before. I remember writing in my journal about how far I've come, things I wished to manifest & experience and so much more. It was like a small still voice urged me to write. On day 3 of complete juice cleansing, I mean no solid foods for the duration of Phase 3 of 27 Days To Flawless. I had also taken a break from cooked foods, alcoholic beverages & artificial foods. I was lonely on this particular day...Its not always easy going on a fast, naturally you retreat inward and though it can be rewarding on this particular day I felt slighted and left out from the indulgences of the summer time familiar fun. I began to think backwardly for a brief minute and I began having a pity party for my self it was within this time frame I slipped off into the deep end of negative thoughts. I knew I couldn't stay in that place for too long, I quickly turned that negative momentum around and checked myself by taking a few minutes of deep breathing, I began raising my vibration with music to dance to and good reads followed by a restorative nap.

Fast forward to day 7 of my live food fast, everything is going just swell at this point. I am feeling oh so divine as I am now silently counting down the days to complete this 3rd phase telling myself every moment I got a chance "you have 3 more days to go Rashada"!

Over the course of the following days I began mentally preparing myself for a successful end to my fast. Successful meaning I had to constantly remind myself of all of my hard work over the course of the last several months & to go backwards was not an option. I had to plan each post fast menu ahead of time with intention and promise myself. My intention was not to succumb to the lower part of my habitual self and revert back to low vibrational unhealthy comforting foods.

This took a lot of mental work & discipline. After fasting and being forbidden from the foods you've known & grown to love rather if it loves you back or not...Hell yes this was hard mental work.

It became a minute by minute practice as the days on my cleanse grew shorter and shorter, I began to get nervous and ask myself if I had power over myself ? Or do the foods I've grown addicted to, control me more than me? This made me think long and hard... It was scary honestly, I couldn't believe I even had to go there with myself however this was my truth in this moment.

It was then that I had an epiphany and a yearning desire to control the lower, weaker parts of myself by remembering my reasons for starting. I had long kind conversations with my self as I went over all of my spiritual, physical, emotional, professional goals & in this moment of realization I declared that I would commit myself to all of the things I deserved & desire, all of the experiences I deserved & desired in this life and that is what made me think about the divine purpose & connection with foods & how important it is for us to value, appreciate, align & connect with our foods.

I started thinking about my ancestors and how they had very little conveniences that we have today, how much energy it took to create meals back in their time from growing, to harvesting to creating. I began to think of hunger in the world as a whole, about how so many people are literally sitting somewhere in the world with their tummy a lot more empty than mine in this very moment without the luxuries of live fabulous juicing yet they have no idea when or let alone what their next meal is going to be. I begin thinking about the convenient American diet, how we have access to the abundance of foods with little to none nutritional value nor are we often taking the time to put into creating health filled loving foods with our families from scratch as our ancestors once did.

I began to think about the lack of gratitude and appreciation that happens by default when we as a people forget the true purpose of food, family, growing our foods, creating meals together...The love involved in the offerings of foods to friends and family, and what stood out the most during this epiphany was the divine sacred act of earning and appreciating our foods which had been a lost act... it hit me like a sack of potatoes and I talked about it all night which is why your reading about this on my blog right now. I was inspired to write in my journal the notes started a little all over the place like this...

Earning your food is a divine act. I say this as I am currently completing a 10 day live food juicing cleanse. This is Phase 3 of 27 Days To Flawless, every time I go on a fast I have spiritual experiences. This time around I had an epiphany about earning our foods let me further explain. I have been an avid faster for 16 years, more often over the last year. It is such a divine experience. I have found that it is when I put the fork down I begin to gain clarity and peace, it is a feeling like no other I almost can't even begin to put this into words, it is to be experienced. Upon the close of my 10 plus day Juice cleanse which consisted of a combination of *Flawless Exclusive* juice recipes designed to purge every part of the body system, I began loosing all desire for food 3-5 days into this all liquid fast. I begin to feel so quiet, so at peace, so present. I experienced uber bliss with very little desire to eat on most days, some days I would sit and salivate over all of the creative tasty *Flawless Foods* I couldn't wait to get my hands on. I just remember becoming completely consumed with breaking my fast towards the end, all of the health filled foods I couldn't wait to enjoy & create. This moment made me really appreciate the value in earning my food.

As my fast came to an end, I remember being so excited about having a simple piece of watermelon and though this was a simple request it was not a simple task. I had to search all over my city for the right seeded organic watermelon, what do ya know I had finally completed Phase 3 of 27 Days To Flawless and here I can't even find a watermelon. What I learned during this watermelon hunt was how disciplined I had become. It made my heart smile to know that I valued my temple so much in that moment after so much hard work that I didn't mind earning my food. I finally nailed a big juicy, seeded organic melon. I took it home as I drove slowly and happily just imagining what it would be like to take my first bite in 11 days of solid food. I got home, put music on and cut a few pieces for myself, I bowed my head in prayer thanking the creator for my patience and for my divine awakening in gratitude, I took my first bite. I felt so worthy of that melon as it was earned. Every juicy, fulfilling, medicinal bite was earned and appreciated. My fast was broken, on to Phase 4 of 27 Days To Flawless.

I write here to provide you with food for thought I hope the words I've shared at the very least sparked deeper more conscious thought. I hope you are inspired to experience a fast on your own, perhaps you no longer wish to be controlled by your foods. I know one things for certain I have developed a better appreciation for my food when it is earned. It is a daily conscious effort that is beyond rewarding "Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" said the Egyptian God of Medicine *Hippocrates* Plan out your divine meals, practice preparing your foods with the intention of it healing your body temple and making you better. Together we can heal the world by way of fork, peace foods and love. Join the Flawless Movement Start 27 Days To Flawless Today.

Check back here often there's so much in store for you. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and it adds value to your life. I would love to hear what you thought and how some of these tips may have helped you.

If you are wondering how to get started on the 27 Days To Flawless System.

Get started glowing immediately, email me I would love to hear all about your health and wellness goals and guide you on your journey. I love to connect socially as well, find me on Instagram flawless_by_siojo. Locate the exclusive Facebook group titled "27 Days To Flawless" I would love to connect with you.

Get in the group, Get on the List, Get inspired, Get connected, Join the Tribe, Invite your Friends and Let's Get Glowing.

In closing I just want to remind you to fall madly in love with your self. As you embark on the journey of healthier living. Fall in love with yourself daily in the moist perfect way. It is when you love yourself perfectly you can receive perfect love in all areas of your life.

With Love your Flawless Life Coach & BFFF

Rashada Siojo

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