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Flawless Master Cleanse Time

Hey love,

You’re in the right place at the right time. The time for a much needed cleanse has arrived. I just get so excited at the thought of glowing and loosing some unwanted baggage from cleansing. So, every season it’s essential for me and my girls to detox!


The detoxing style varies depending on our goals. This season we choose to start a master cleanse movement. Considering our busy lives, it is easy and I personally love that I’m still able to work out and remain active with high energy while indulging on solely magical lemonade all day. So I’m sharing what has yielded me amazing results.

Spring has sprung and the winter weight and baggage must be undone. So here goes a whole lot of something!

What is the purpose of the Master Cleanse? •To rid the body of unwanted fat, toxins and congestion that has formed over time in the body. •Cleansing of the blood stream, kidneys and digestive system. •To purify all cells and glands throughout the entire body, eliminating pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels. •To maintain youth and elasticity in the skin regardless of our years.

When to cleanse?

•When the digestive system simply needs a reset and a cleasnsing.

•When being overweight has become a problem.

•When you need stillness and clarity.

•When you feel sluggish and high energy is what you seek.

•When you simply want to make much needed changes in your lifestyle.


How long should this cleanse go on?

10 days minimum 50 days maximum according to the Master Cleanser book.

About Master Cleanse.

Stanley Burroughs created the Master Cleanse to bring hope, knowledge and true healing. Learn more in the book written in 1976 "The Master Cleanser"

Heres how to make this simple yet powerful cleanse.

You will need the following:

•2 Tbsp lemon or lime juice ( approx. 1/2 lemon)

•2 Tbsp genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored sugar syrup)

•1/10 Tsp cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste

•Water (distilled, spring or purified water )


Combine fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz. glass and fill with medium hot water. (Cold water may be used if preferred.) be sure to use the freshest organic ingredients only. This is for best results.

Maple Syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative sugars and it must not be substituted. Grade A light amber and Grade A medium amber both have a mild taste and are suitable for the cleanse they do have a lower mineral content than the darker grades. The darker the Grade the higher the mineral content.

Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron,copper, sulphur, silicon, vitamin A, B1,B6, B2, C and B5 are all present in maple syrup.

An Ideal substitute from the original formula involves fresh sugar cane juice.

Alternate Recipe is as follows:

10 oz. fresh sugar cane juice

2 tbsp. fresh lime or lemon juice

1/10 tsp c cayenne (red pepper) or to taste

The balanced sugar in maple syrup and sugar cane juices cause no dangerous side affects.

*All natural fruits and vegetables have balanced sugars in them. Artificial and refined sugars have no place in a natural diet. Note: Other alternatives for a further laxative and cleansing effect include blending the lemon and using the pulp and peel. The properties in the skin of a lemon is highly beneficial.

Benefits include:

Blood purification

Superior strengthening of the immune system and a host of other healing properties. *Lemon is acidic though it alkalizes the body once consumed.

Adding cayenne pepper is necessary heres why, cayenne breaks up mucus and increases the circulation in the body by building the blood for an elevation in energy levels. Cayenne also adds many of the B and C vitamins.

How Much to drink?

Consuming six or more 8-10 oz. glasses of the Master Cleanse lemonade daily is sufficient. There will be times where you may feel hungry, just have another glass of lemonade. I love using super fancy glasses and sipping slowly to enjoy every single drop.



Mint & green teas are okay to enjoy while on this cleanse it helps further cleansing. Its loaded with antioxidants and chlorophyll making it an amazing purifier, mint is an excellent digestive aid it also eliminates body odor.

This master cleanse lemonade is loaded with a full balance of vitamins and minerals.

Note: If your goal is to loose weight from this cleanse, less maple syrup is key.

If you are worried about loosing weight, while on this cleanse

Be assured, the only weight you could loose is toxic weight, mucus, and dis-ease from the body.

The lemon juice amount in each glass should never vary. As this is a detox it is important to understand you may need to assist your body in the elimination process.

Going on such a cleanse allows the body to go in full self healing mode which slows down the entire system.

You aren't having solid foods that require so much energy from the body to be digested. Note:You want to make sure you are having a minimum of two bowel movements per day. If your system feels upset, it can be because you need to have a bowel movement. Two to three bowel movements daily may seem excessive however it is necessary.The toxins that have been broken up must exit the body. The better the elimination the better the results. A laxitive tea can aid if you find yourself having trouble in this area. I find my laxative teas in a health food store or an asian market.

It is good practice to take this tea from the beginning of the cleanse each night before bed.


Side Effects of Cleansing

During the cleansing process, some people can experience side effects. A stirring up occurs in the body. It‘s not the lemonade that causes this, its whats being stirred up in the body that causes irritability, dizziness may develop on certain days. If weakness develops, it can be as a result of poisons circulating through the blood stream. Believe it or not we all have toxic waste that we've walked around with for years no matter what our diet is like and that to me is alarming.

This liquid cleanse provides all of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and energy necessary to carry on with a regular schedule for 10 days or longer in liquid form. You may find you need more rest than usual just be sure to listen to your body.

Class is out of session for now but will resume soon so keep your notifications on.

Rashada Siojo,

Business Beauty, Health & Wellness Manifesting Empress💃🏻🦋

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