Welcome to my blog!

Hi Loves! Rashada Siojo here.
I am excited to be right here, right now with you. I am eager to share so much with all of you. I want to inspire you all to live your best life yet. 27 Days to Flawless is the ultimate plan designed to jump start your health. It's time to be flawless for life. On this journey I've taken for the past 16 years I have learned a lot along the way. You may or may not have kept up with my journey. Check out the About Me section for more information.
This is a community for women by women. Expect topics that will cover beauty, health, wellness, and lifestyle designed for the goddess on the rise and connecting with your sacred self. Besides, we all deserve to glow don't we?
Come back often for updates and new posts. Sit back, relax and make sure you bring a cup of tea, water, or your favorite flawless approved cocktail during the ride. Later Loves!
With Gratitude,
Rashada Siojo